
I'm Stefan,

Full-Stack Developer

Javascript / Node / React / React-Native / Blazor / C# / .NET Core / Blockchain Say Hello!

Welcome to my new Portfolio! This page is still under .
I was a working chef until about 3 years ago when I pivoted to Full-stack development by attending the Austin Coding Academy and graduating from the MERN Full-Stack Development course.

Since then I have been wearing many hats working for a blockchain startup that created an Erc20 Token backed by Gold and developed a supply chain protocol to track that gold on the blockchain. In the process I have become proficient in several additional tech stacks including React-Native, Firebase, C#, Blazor and .NET Core. I have Also gained a working knowledge of AWS, Azure DevOps and crypto currency token economics.

With this site I hope to convey a sense of my passion for technology and my love for the craft of coding.

This site was inspired from this tutorial and uses HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. It was finally a layout I was happy with, I'll be the first to say that design is not my strongsuit but I am working on that, and it was nice to build out the CSS this way as I have had limited experience with that particular method. I then came back and refactored with bootstrap and incorporated this cool library. I plan to refactor to react in the future.

Always Looking for my place in the nexus of food and tech.


Here is my resume.

This is a brief overview of my technical skill set that I have picked up and improved. In addition I have a host of soft professional skills that come from my years in the hospitality industry. Succinctly put I have an unforgiving work ethic, a "Teamwork makes the Dream Work!" attitude, an eye for details and I am a happy-go-lucky professional who likes to laugh.








These are some Projects I have built.

As I continue to build out this page I will be adding additional projects, including Blazor and React-Native.


A recipe search app with pictures of cats. Written in React.JS using Redux and asynchronous REST API calls. I just upgraded to use hooks!


This Website: My Portfolio

Built with HTML5 and CSS3 using Bootstrap 4.


Blazin' Catfork!

Catfork built using .NET Core and Blazor Written in C#. I am In the process of upgrading it to current dotnet version.


Mock Wine Website

Built with HTML5 and CSS3 using Bootstrap 3.

Netflix Clone

As the title implies, built in React.JS. Functionality is limited to search and it leverages the FreeImdb API to demonstrate mapping data from an API call into UI components.

My Journey Of Becoming A Better Designer By Following Daily UI

As I continue to improve I will be adding additional projects, coming up is a calculator and a music player, so stay tuned on the Blog I contribute to.

01: Signup Up Form

The Coding Kitchen is a fictional coding bootcamp that caters to people in the culinary industry.

02: Credit Card Checkout

I need to fix this one. A good example of why I'm trying to get better!
